Press and Media
Please find news items I’ve been involved in. If you work for the media yourself and would like an interview or to work together then do get in touch.
Truck Tales
Big Rigs One hitchiker's truckin’ adventure
The Daily Telegraph Meet the backpacker touring Australia with trucks
Urban Mermaid
The People's Map by Story Trails BFI.
The Rabbit Proof Fence
ABC Australia Woman retraces steps of Aboriginal girls who walked the rabbit-proof fence in the 1930s
The Australian- Brit's epic bid to harden up (09/09/17)
She Went Wild Retracing the Rabbit Proof Fence
The West Australian Girls’s trek inspires journey
Cycling to the World Cup
BBC Wanted: Long distance cycle companion
Metro- Cyclist advertises for five-month cycle ride companion
Metro- Four companions to cycle 13,000km for charity
Nice articles I've randomly popped up in
Outdoor Swimmer The adventurers helping us find adventure every day
Podcasts and radio
The Tough Girl Podcast Lindsey Cole, adventurer and storyteller who walked the Rabbit Proof Fence